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  1. In PuTTY, double-check that you are in the “Session” screen.

    Session tab in PuTTY

  2. Select the “Serial” radio button under “Connection type”.

    Serial radio button in PuTTY

  3. Specify the destination you want to connect to:

    Serial line and speed text fields in PuTTY

  4. Click “Open” to connect to the board.

    Open connection button in PuTTY

  5. When you see a blank screen, press the Enter key.

    For Intel® Edison boards running older firmware: You may need to press the Enter key twice.

    Blank screen in PuTTY after connecting to Intel® Edison

  6. Once connected you will see a login prompt.

    Type in “root” for the username and press Enter.

    Login as root user

For more info on using PuTTY such as saving profiles, read Using PuTTY »