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  1. In the bottom toolbar, click the “Upload” icon to upload the current project to the device.

    "Upload" button in bottom toolbar

  2. Check the console log for a message confirming the upload.

    An "upload complete" message in the console

  3. In the bottom toolbar, click the “Run” icon to run the project that is currently uploaded.

    "Run" button in bottom toolbar

  4. Keep an eye on the console for any runtime errors. If there are no errors, you should see the MRAA library version number outputted to the console.

    MRAA version number output in the console

    console.log('MRAA Version: ' + mraa.getVersion()); was declared in the app code on line 20:

    MRAA version number output in the code

    If you see a version number outputted, your Intel® Edison is running its first app!

Get a “cannot find module mraa” message?

"cannot find module mraa" message

Refer to the instructions in the XDK troubleshooting guide.