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  1. Get the latest Intel® XDK IoT Edition installer.

    1. On the USB key: downloadsLinuxedison_media.
    2. Copy the iot_web_[your OS]_master_[version] installer file to your computer.
  2. Open Terminal.

  3. Use the cd command to go into the folder where the installer file is. For example:

    cd ~/Desktop/

  4. Use the tar command to extract the .tgz. For example:

    tar zxvf iot_web_linux64_master_1912.tgz

    (Note: Replace the filename shown below with your .tgz filename.)

  5. Go into the extracted folder, then run the installer shell file. For example:

    cd iot_web_linux64 ./

  6. After launching the Intel® XDK installer, follow the installation wizard and click Next where needed.

    First screen of the Intel® XDK installer