Intel logo
  1. Get the latest Arduino IDE.

    1. On the USB key: downloadsMac
    2. Copy arduino-[version] to your computer.
  2. Double-click arduino-[version] to extract the archive.

    Extracting Arduino IDE

  3. Rename Arduino to be ArduinoEdison.

  4. Move ArduinoEdison into your Mac Applications folder.

    Macintosh Arduino IDE

  5. Double-click on ArduinoEdison to open the Arduino IDE.

  6. To save on internet bandwidth, install the “Intel i686 Boards” toolchain manually to your Arduino IDE installation.

    1. On the USB key: downloadsMacedison_media
    2. Copy to your computer and unzip it.
    3. Copy the uncompressed Intel folder and its contents to /Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/Library/Arduino15/packages on your computer.
  7. Restart the Arduino IDE.

When you are using a more reliable internet connection, you can use the method below to update the Arduino boards list:

  1. Choose Tools > Board > Boards Manager to open the Boards Manager.

    Boards Manager - Windows

  2. In the list of boards, select Intel i686 Boards which includes the Intel® Edison board.

  3. Click Install.

  4. When the installation process is finished, click OK.