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  1. (These steps coming soon! Please do a pull request with screenshots/commands if you can.)

  2. Use Terminal to establish a serial connection to the Intel® Edison.
    Don’t know how? Refer to Shell Access.

  3. On your Intel® Edison, disconnect from any WiFi networks the board might be logged into using the wireless command line interface (wpa_cli) command:

    wpa_cli disconnect

  4. Then use the route command to add a default gateway. Use the same static IP address you set in the Network settings in the previous section.

    route add default gw

You can now use the Intel® Edison as if it is connected to the internet on its own as long as you keep the device mode micro-USB cable plugged in.

Try pinging a network from Terminal to make sure the Intel® Edison is connected to the internet through your computer’s network connection:


(Use the Ctrl+C keyboard command to exit the ping process.)

To re-enable WiFi on the Intel® Edison, use the configure_edison --wifi command as described in Connect Your Intel Edison to Wi-Fi.

Unable to ping anything from the Intel® Edison?

Unplug and replug the device mode micro-USB cable to reset the Ethernet over USB connection.